We're delighted to let you know that our Children's Short Break and Overnight Service in Bexley, has achieved 'GOOD' across all areas at its recent inspection by Ofsted. This highlights all the hard work, commitment, and expertise Mandy Kennedy, the Service Manager, and her team bring to the children they support.
The feedback given by the inspector was hugely positive and we share a selection of the comments below:

“Children interact freely in the home. They have developed trusting relationships with staff. The staff group is long-established. The staff know the children well and can communicate with them using the children’s preferred method of communication. They show genuine warmth and affection towards the children.”
“There is a strong emphasis on implementing preventative strategies, and on liaising closely with schools and families to provide consistent care and support to children when they visit. As a result, children have positive experiences, including those children with the most significant needs.”
“Staff know the children very well and they work skillfully and compassionately to ensure that they enjoy their time at the home.”
“The manager and staff know the children well and have high aspirations for them. They set and review individual achievable goals for each child when they visit for their short break. Feedback from professionals and parents about the leaders and staff is very positive.”
This is a brilliant achievement for the service. Aspens is extremely proud to have a service spoken of so highly, with a team that is clearly dedicated to providing excellent care to children and young people. 
Mandy Kennedy, Registered Manager added:
“I’m so proud to be the manager of this service and the Ofsted inspection validates the fantastic service we provide. We have achieved a “Good” rating because of the hard work and dedication of the team here at the service and across Aspens. I look forward to continuing to manage the service and making improvements to further enhance the lives of the young people we support.”

Read the full report here.

Find out more about our Short Break and Overnight Service for young people here.